Shop by RoomHome GymYoga Mats

Best Non Toxic Yoga Mats

Organic rubber yoga mats, as well as cork and organic cotton options. Click the rating symbols below each yoga mat for more information about its material health.

Ananday Cork Yoga Mat

This is safest yoga mat, made of 100% cork, meaning it’s also the best eco friendly non toxic yoga mat. There are no glues or binders used in the entire product. As you sweat, cork becomes grippier, so it even works for sweatier practices. I use this in my own yoga practice and it has a really satisfying weight and texture. I love it. 20% off with code INTERIORMEDICINE.

More Healthy Design for You

More About Non Toxic Yoga Mats

Are yoga mats toxic?

Most are, yes. Most are made with PVC, polyvinyl chloride, which is a very rigid plastic, requiring phthalates or other plasticizers to soften it and make it flexible. Not only is this harmful to human health, but bad for the environment too; the opposite of what yoga is all about.

How do the chemicals in a yoga mat actually get into your body?

There are two ways chemicals used in a standard foam yoga leave it, and three ways they get into your body:

As a yoga mat degrades with use, chemicals used in processing are released. If they’re lightweight, they can be suspended in dust in the air, and if they’re heavier, they settle into dust on the ground. The other way chemicals get out of a yoga mat is by being volatile— so, a VOC or odor— these are lighter than air. This is the “new plastic” smell you recognize with a new mat and can off-gas for quite some time.

The three ways these chemicals get into your body are through inhalation, ingestion, and absorption. You inhale and ingest VOCs and lightweight chemicals suspended in the air — they come in through your breathing passages and are swallowed, as well. Though you probably wash your hands after yoga, there is some exposure through hand-to-mouth contact (ingestion). Finally, many chemicals can pass through skin and be dermally absorbed.

What does GOTS certified mean?

GOTS is short for the Global Organic Textile Standard.

It is the gold standard 3rd party certification for organic fabrics made from natural fibers like wool, cotton, linen, and others.

Fabric with the GOTS-certified organic label means that at least 95% of the starting fibers are certified organic, and ensures that the fabric remains healthy throughout the entire manufacturing process. This means the dyes and other chemicals used are safer for human and ecological health than standard fabric processing methods. No harmful finishes may be added to the final product.

Are EVA yoga mats toxic?

They are a better choice than a PVC yoga mat, but not as healthy as a cork, latex, or fabric one. EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) is used to make shower curtain fabric, and in that context, it’s pretty pretty non toxic, as found by various agencies including the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), OSHA, or National Toxicology Program (NTP).

But of course, EVA foam is different; it’s a much thicker version of EVA fabric, and the main chemical people are concerned about is formamide, which is added to make it foam-like and soft. It’s not safe at high doses, and can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled, and ingested, potentially causing various problems. That said, an EVA foam with very low amounts of formamide, as confirmed by a third party, that has had a chance to off-gas, is still better than polyurethane foam or PVC because it doesn’t require phthalates to make it a soft and flexible, and it doesn’t require chlorine in its production. Look for OEKO TEX certified EVA foam mats if you go this route.

What is latex?

Latex is the same thing as natural rubber. It comes from the Hevea brasiliensis tree. It is a milky white liquid that can be baked to form a springy, foam-like substance. It is often confused with synthetic (lab-made) latex, which is the chemical mixture styrene-butadiene.

What is GOLS certified latex?

GOLS, the Global Organic Latex Standard, is the gold standard 3rd party certification for organic rubber latex. Latex with the GOLS-certified organic label means 95% of the final product is organic latex, and also ensures that the processing stages (mixing, baking, etcetera) of the product are safe for human and ecological health.

For GOLS certified Dunlop, the latex must be from an organic latex tree farm, grown without pesticides. The latex rubber “milk” from the tree is poured into a mold, mixed with Zinc, Sulfur, and soaps to make it a “gel,” then is baked into shape. It’s washed to remove impurities, and then is baked again to dry it out. This process has been used for about 100 years, and the result is a dense foam. To meet the the GOLS standard, it must be composed of at least 95% organic latex. Because the Dunlop process uses minimal ingredients, and is from organic trees, it can meet this requirement.

Shop by RoomHome GymYoga Mats