About ➜ Social Media Feed
Social Media Feed
This is where the links to research and references in posts on my social media accounts are. And, if you’re not on social media, you can get all the same content here. (You could almost call this a blog, though the “entries” are very, very short.)
How to make your candles and incense less toxic
How to choose an air purifier
Watch How Fast My Indoor CO2 Rises
How to make your hotel room a little healthier
Watch how quickly my air pollution rises
What plants should I get to clean my air?
This is not a top ten list.
3 Ways I Prep My Home for Wildfire Season
Non-toxic paint for impatient people
Zero-VOC is the minimum
Save a life: test your home for radon
Another reason to open your windows
Sunshine makes things smell good because its rays can transform common molecules into fragrant ones…