
The word “February” comes from Februa, a festival celebrated by the Romans focused on purification and purging. The idea was to purify oneself and the city in preparation for Spring. Basically, it’s the original Dry January.

In general, I believe that small, slow, lasting changes made over time are more meaningful to your health than short detox spurts, but I get it— there are few things more satisfying than going on a big cleaning spree or having a purifying sauna session— and I do love an annual ritual.

The concept of detoxing the home has come up a couple of times with clients in the last few weeks. Or more accurately, the desire to detox and replace everything all at once with healthier versions— the fact that it’s cost-prohibitive is frustrating and overwhelming.

Which sends us back to the small, slow lasting changes over time. I always recommend that as it becomes available, start with prioritizing cleaner air, then water, then your mattress, and then your couch (or wherever you spend most of your time!) It’s a little less exhilarating than doing it all at once, of course, but there’s always cleaning sprees and hot baths to fill the void in the meantime.

Photo by @a_gaut. Via Architectural Digest. More Februa fun facts at the link in bio.


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