Shop Whole HomeBiophilic Design House Plants and Soil

House Plants and Organic Soil

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Nature Prints

More About Indoor Plants

Healthy design isn’t just about avoiding toxins, but incorporating health-promoting aspects, too. Houseplants offer the benefits of Biophilia, and the soil they are potted in can improve the microbiome of your home. Just like you know taking probiotics makes your gut flora more diverse, and therefore healthier, the same is true for your home’s microbiome.

What are the best plants for purifying air?

While it’s true that houseplants can clean the air a little bit, the 1989 NASA study this advice comes from actually would require more than 680 plants to have a measurable effect in your home. Instead, I recommend opening the windows daily, using your exhaust fan every time you cook, and a high quality air purifier. Luckily, this frees you up to buy the plants you love the look of! 

Shop Whole HomeBiophilic Design House Plants and Soil

House Plants and Organic Potting Soil