Consider checking the ingredients in your candles and air fresheners

…stop using air fresheners. Diffusers and candles with "natural fragrance blends," too.⁠

They all contain the chemical class called phthalates, which easily cross into your bloodstream through inhalation and through your skin. Here is how they affect our reproductive system once they're in our bodies:⁠

◾⁠People with the highest concentration of phthalates in their urine reported the lowest interest in sexual activity.
◾Phthalates are associated with lowering testosterone in men, and interfere with estrogen in women. ⁠
◾SMALL PENISES. Mothers exposed to phthalates during pregnancy have male children with shorter-than-average penises. You may have seen Greta Thunberg’s very funny tweet referencing this. ⁠

If you love smells in your home, just be smart about it. Stay away from products with the phrases "odor blockers," "odor eliminators," and even "natural fragrances," --they're all words for phthalates and other synthetic chemicals. ⁠

Pure essential oils, incense, sage, palo santo, and soy-based candles made with minimal, pure ingredients are all better-- just use in moderation, and open a window when you're done, as they're not entirely off the hook when it comes to releasing smoke and certain chemicals. It's all about balance. ⁠

Photo of WoodNest.


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