Are your sheets made of plastic?

26% of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) are now under 40 years old. This is a new phenomenon: between 2005 and 2017, the average age at which a man first saw a doctor for ED dropped by 7 years. ⁠

Of course this rising problem is multifactorial, but evidence is building that the chemicals in plastics are part of the problem. Researchers found that men who worked in factories that produced BPA and epoxy resins reported higher rates of ED and low libido. And, a study found higher exposure to phthalates was associated with lower sexual desire, due to their testosterone-lowering effects. ⁠

Microfiber and polyester sheets are really soft, inexpensive, and very durable. Sometimes they're even touted as sustainable, because they're made from recycled plastic bottles. ⁠

But the absolute last place we want plastic is in our bed. Not just because of the obvious reference to libido, but because we spend so much of our time there overall (divide your age by 3, and that's how many years you've been asleep! I love this math equation.) ⁠

And a word on the supposed sustainability of synthetic sheets: washing them releases microplastic fibers into laundry wash water, and drying them releases them into the air. Microplastic pollution is one of the greatest environmental challenges we're facing, and this certainly does not help. ⁠

So next time you’re relaxing your sheets, consider natural fibers! Linen, cotton, hemp, and eucalyptus are all great choices. ⁠


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