What is Biophilic Design?

Biophilic Design recognizes nature is not just a nice "extra" in our lives, but a deep, human need. It finds ways to incorporate nature into our interiors to make us healthier people.

I personally haven’t built the side of my house INTO A BOULDER yet like the people above, and just in case you haven’t either, here are some non-boulder Biophilic Design options. Just their very presence in your home can improve your health:

◾️Potted plants can lower anxiety and blood pressure, as long as caring for an indoor plant doesn’t stress you out
◾️Even photos of nature reduce cortisol (color photos are better than black and white!)
◾️Bring in outdoor air: indoor air is 2-5 times more polluted on average than outside air. Opening your windows can instantly improve this ratio.
◾️Noise: the sounds we hear have a huge effect on our health (more on this later). If you live somewhere relatively quiet, open the windows to hear natural noise. If you live in a city, even listening to nature sounds on an app can help. I like the free version of Relax Melodies.
◾️If you are already in the Boulder In My House club, consider installing an indoor river. This is obviously the most fun idea.

Home design by Jedsen Skodvin Architects.


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