Clutter and stress levels

…sometimes I find clutter soothing! It can feel familiar and comfortable. Even if I don’t know the person well, it’s reminiscent of the “we’re close enough that they don’t clean before I come over” feeling. And, sometimes “clutter” is genuinely interesting collections of things I love looking through and being around.

Am I the only one that feels both ways?!

There are people who research clutter and its effect on our cortisol levels! They found there is elevated cortisol in people who FEEL LIKE their home is cluttered. Some people, even ones living in the same home, don’t feel like their home is cluttered, and don’t experience the same rise in cortisol!

The point is, if clutter at home makes you anxious, it really is worth addressing. Since cortisol affects so many processes in your body, chronically elevated levels of it have widespread associations: headaches, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, etcetera.

Do your whole body a favor (including the bones of your soul) by setting some time aside to tackle a little spot of clutter. Doing a small area feels so good! There are also lots of de-cluttering and organizing services popping up around town (with very satisfying photos on Instagram.) And if clutter doesn’t stress you out, you’re part of a growing trend.


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