We are connected to our homes, materially and magically.

Have you ever bumped into a doorframe and said, “oh—excuse me,” or chosen a neglected coffee mug from the back of the cabinet to make it feel more loved? If so, you’re far from alone. People all over the world have had relationships with inanimate objects for thousands of years.

According to the Japanese Shinto tradition, divine spiritual power infuses everything. For this reason, they believe we are not actually separate from anything in our world, even objects. Through this view, our furniture, appliances, and houses are part of us, too. 

On both the magical and material levels, we agree! If you want to improve your health, improve the health of your home and the things in it. You'll be patting your organic pillow and saying "thank you" to it in no time.

Cover photo and design by @klhcustomhomes


“Green”: eco-friendly or human-friendly?


Informed Decision