Water Filters

One of the first things we did when we moved in to our house was install a water filter with its own dedicated little tap. Portland water is some of the best in the country, but we still have plenty of chlorine disinfection byproducts (and even a dash of arsenic- fun!) in our water supply. Plus, we have verrrry old pipes.

We got the under-sink Aquasana Claryum 3-stage filter (not an ad) which removes the chlorine byproducts, and 70 or so other chemicals.

In retrospect, we should have tested our water first, and used that info to match it to the perfect filter, but we were in a hurry and chose this one because it’s third-party certified and clears a broad range of contaminants. It’s kind of funny to think we were in a hurry now- I think we were just buzzing around with WE FINALLY HAVE A HOUSE excitement and acting irrationally 😂.

Link to the Portland Water Bureau’s latest data (you can look up your city, too!) to find out what’s in your water, and what type of water filter will work best for you.


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