Non-Toxic Pet Furniture

Dogs and their owners tend to get the same diseases, in part because they’re exposed to the same indoor pollutants— carcinogens and endocrine disruptors in particular. Even cats get hyperthyroidism from the flame retardants in couch and mattress foam!

For this reason, I think pet furniture should be healthy, too. It’s a shared living space, and everyone in it, even animals, are affected. So, not only did I put some non-toxic pet furniture on my website, I also implemented my Rating System on the page for the first time. I’ve been working hard to create a clear, consistent rating system for materials so that the reasoning behind why I recommend certain products over others is clear. I believe in transparency, and this is a big part of it for me. I’m rolling it out over all my pages in the next few weeks.


How to choose a non-toxic shower curtain


Fluorescent Lighting