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Biophilic Design

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Biophilic Design is growing in popularity, and it is so much more than “just add plants!” There are actually 14 patterns of Biophilic Design.

In short, it connects the people inside a building to nature— in all its forms. That means using rocks, metals, geometry, warm light, vistas, refuges, and views, in addition to greenery. It also includes fresh air, pure water, and natural noise.

Broadly defined, it includes physical, sensory, metaphorical, morphological, material, and spiritual aspects of nature.

Research shows Biophilic Design’s effect on your health:

Nature sounds improve mental health 37% faster than urban noise after a stressful event.

Indoor plants reduce stress, blood pressure, and pain, and improve cognition.

➜ Having a view of nature reduces hospital stays from 3.67 days to 2.6.

Aromatherapy following surgery reduces the amount of morphine and other painkillers patients need.

Read all the research about the 14 elements of Biophilic design here.

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