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Best Air Purifier for Home

Air purifiers that remove toxic gasses and odors and the usual particle (PM 2.5) removal. Scroll to the bottom for how to choose, and more about how air purifiers actually work.

Best Air Purifiers for Wildfire Smoke and Mold

AirDoctor 3500

The Air Doctor 3500 is the best air purifier overall, because it has the best combination of features at a reasonable price point. Not only is it super-efficient at removing tiny PM 2.5 particles from the air (like wildfire smoke and cooking), it also has 1.5 pounds of activated carbon, which can remove more toxic gasses and odors (burnt forest/building VOCs, cooking smells, new house off-gassing) than the simple carbon cloth that’s standard in most purifiers. Check the price on the Air Doctor website directly (requires some scrolling) and on Amazon.

Coway AirMega AP-1512HH

The Coway is one of the most recommended air purifiers year after year, and I agree that it should be, because it captures super tiny particles (like mold, dust mites, and smoke from fires, cooking, or burning candles) very quickly and thoroughly, and is affordable and quiet. It has a carbon fiber pad for light VOC removal, so it’s not as good at meaningfully removing odors or off-gassing. I’ve had one of these in my bedroom running 24/7 for years.

Best Air Purifiers for Allergies

Levoit Vital 200s

I get a fair number of questions about this one, so I’m including it— it’s very efficient at removing pet hair and smaller particles, but I have two irks — one is that it contains a Prop 65 warning for BPA. (I recognize many electronics have Prop 65 warnings for the lead encased inside of the electrical plug—I’m generally not worried about that because the exposure possibility is soooo low.) Second, their proprietary pet allergy replacement filters seem a little gimmicky to me— there is no information about what makes them better; they told me it was trademarked. I prefer more transparency so I know it’s not just a HEPA filter with yellow dye! The display light automatically turns off at night, and it’s very quiet.

Best Air Purifiers for Toxic Gasses and Everyday Odors

Best Air Purifier Plants

Do Plants Really Purify Air?

A very small amount. The 1989 NASA study that’s often referenced as proof that plants can purify the air is wildly overstated. While it’s true that plants can remove some VOCs and carbon dioxide, this study only applies to a small, sealed, space station style environment. In a regular house, you would need about 680 plants to replicate those results. You can watch my video about this here! In short, I recommend a home air purifier instead of plants for removing dangerous particles and VOCs.

The Sill

Plants are still great to have in your home for improving your mood and focus! Plus, they can help improve your home’s microbiome and are generally beautifying, of course. If you do decide to add houseplants, I really like the Sill. They have both great plant choices and aesthetically attractive pots, and they arrive on your doorstep in excellent condition.

More Healthy Design for You

Shower Filters That Actually Work

How to Choose the Best Air Purifier for Home

Most air purifiers will have three stages of air purification, and some are much better at certain stages than others. Knowing what each does can help you choose the best air purifier for your needs.

  1. The pre-filter will capture large particles, like pollen, pet hair, dust, and dust mites. If you’re looking for the best air purifier for allergies, the best air purifier for pets, or the best air purifier for dust removal, focus on the pre-filter. It should be large, and have excellent air flow, to bring in as much dust and hair as possible. It should last a long time or be easily removable for you to clean regularly.

  2. The HEPA filter will capture very small particles. If you’re looking for the best air purifier for wildfire smoke, the best air purifier for mold and mycotoxins, or the best air purifier for dust mite feces (gross, I know), the true HEPA filter will capture molecules this small. All true HEPA filters are able to remove particles 100 times smaller than 0.3 microns. You don’t need anything fancier.

  3. The gas adsorbent will capture VOCs— gasses that are so tiny, even a HEPA filter cannot capture them. If you’re looking for the best air purifier for odor, the best air purifier for kitchen smells, or the best air purifier for removing odors from wildfire smoke, this is the area to focus on. This is also very important if you have a new-build home that has materials that are off-gassing. This is the stage that can be capable of capturing formaldehyde if the right minerals are present.

Air purifiers do not capture radon, which is a radioactive gas. Only a radon mitigation system can remove radon from your home!

What are the best air purifier ratings?

The majority of air purifier reviews are based on anecdotal in-home use (“I noticed less dust,”) aggregate customer reviews, ease-of-use, aesthetics— and sometimes favor unproven, or even harmful technologies (ozone generation, for example). While of course some of these things are practical, air purifiers ultimately are a health tool, so I think the standard for ratings should be higher.

There are a handful of air purifier testing platforms and news outlets that actually conduct systematic testing of air purifiers using high-precision particle counters, which is great. They’ll typically pump the same amount of smoke in a closed room of a certain size and time how quickly the purifier filters the air. This kind of testing is crucial because air purifiers aren’t regulated in the United States, and the effectiveness of any given purifier depends not only on the kind of filter it contains but also how efficient it is as actually bringing in dirty air and re-dispersing clean air back into the room. For example, filters with new technology sound best— but regular HEPA H12 filters with good air flow often outperform them. Real-life testing allows us to know this.

For Interior Medicine, the ability of an air purifier to filter particulate matter from a room, as above, is a baseline starting point for what makes a good pick, as the health risks of particulate matter, the main thing HEPA filters capture, are high. However, I also think more attention should be paid to filtering Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from indoor air, which also contribute to asthma, allergy, frequent headaches, lung issues, and can even contribute to cancer (like formaldehyde and benzene). And, there are features included in air purifiers that can negatively impact on health: generating ozone, emitting excess blue light, operating at a high noise level. I prefer air purifiers without any of these health annoyances, or ones that are easily avoided.

What is the best air purifier for home?

If you’re just looking for overall better indoor air quality and don’t need a particular focus, I recommend the AirDoctor 3500 (listed first) for its combination of abilities, or the upgrade pick AirDoctor 5500 (listed last).

Where should air purifiers be placed?

Prioritize placing an air purifier in your bedroom, where you spend 1/3 of your life. Sleep is also when your body goes about repairing cells and healing, so having clean air and a healthy environment is important to support this process. If you can consider two air purifiers, placing one between the kitchen and living area is ideal because it will help capture cooking particles and odors and make the air in your living area, where you likely spend the second-most amount of time, safe.

How many air purifiers do I need?

I recommend considering both the square footage the air purifier is certified to clean, as well as the unique shape of your floor plan and home’s air flow. There’s a bit of an art to it. For example:

If you have an open floor plan, choosing an air purifier can be as straightforward as checking the square footage its rated to clean, since air will move freely on an unobstructed path toward the air purifier, then evenly distributed back throughout the room once its cleaned. Air doesn’t have to work its way around walls or door openings in this case.

If you have a house with lots of separation between rooms, you can still get one air purifier with a large square footage rating, but I would also consider helping the air move between spaces a little better by keeping doors open and using ceiling fans or other quiet fans to encourage air movement. If that’s not possible, you might consider two smaller air purifiers to focus on better on cleaning the air in each room separately.

If you’re not sure about your setup, I recommend using an air quality monitor placed in the room or area farthest away from your purifier to see if it’s purification reach is adequate for you. Relying on a purifier’s built-in air quality sensor isn’t useful in this situation, since it’s only sensing the air immediately around it. I have several highly accurate air quality monitors listed here.

Are air purifiers worth it?

Yes! Indoor air is 2-100 times more polluted than outdoor air, even if you can’t smell or see how bad it is. If you’re like most people, you spend around 90% of your time indoors, and a lot of that at home. While you can’t control the outdoor air quality, you can control your indoor air quality. Air purifiers lower your exposure to particulate matter (like wildfire smoke, mold spores, pollen) and VOCs (like formaldehyde)— all of which can cause long-term health problems. As long as you choose one that actually works, an air purifier is one of the best investments for your overall health.

What is Particulate Matter (PM)? Why is PM 2.5 dangerous?

Particulate Matter is a fancy word for particles. They come from pollen, dust mite fragments, mold spores, and sources of combustion— like cooking, natural gas heaters, or using a toaster. If you live in a part of the world with wildfires, the smoke that comes into your home is also Particulate Matter.

Pollens, molds, dust, and dust mite fragments are particles that are below 10 microns in size (PM 10), and their main effect is irritation of the throat and lungs. They can cause coughing, wheezing, and exacerbations of asthma, and reduced ability to remove bacteria and viruses from the lungs. Cooking and wildfire particles are smaller than 2.5 microns (PM 2.5) and are more concerning, as these are the ones that can pass through your lungs and directly into your blood stream. PM 2.5 can increase the risk of heart attack and worsening of heart failure, increase ER visits, hospital admissions, and premature deaths, and is increasingly linked with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s a major global health concern, both outdoors and indoors.

How do you remove Particulate Matter?

With a true HEPA filter. All regular HEPA filters are capable of removing particles 100 times smaller than 0.3 microns at nearly 100% efficiency— it’s boring, but true. HEPA means High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance. Due to complicated physics, 0.3 microns is the hardest size of particle to capture. It’s actually easier to capture particles both larger and smaller than this!

Source: Persily, Andrew & Chapman, R. & Emmerich, Steven & Dols, William & Davis, H. & Lavappa, P. & Rushing, A.. (2007). Building Retrofits for Increased Protection Against Chemical and Biological Releases, here.

This graph shows this concept well. On the left hand side, the particle removal efficiency ranges from 0 to 1.0. A value of 1.0 means 100% of the particles are removed. Along the bottom is the particle diameter, which ranges from 0.01 to 10.00 microns.

The curved lines are the MERV ratings— MERV means Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. You may have seen MERV 13, 14, or 15 filters for your furnace, for example. MERV is a measure of how good an air filter is at trapping particles.

The dip in the middle of each MERV curve happens right around 0.3 microns in particle size— every level of MERV has a hard time capturing this size. This comes from a building retrofit paper, but the same concept applies to HEPA filters.

For a filter to be called HEPA, it must capture 0.3 micron particles with 99.95% efficiency (so, better than what is shown here). HEPA filters easily capture particles 10x smaller and much larger than 0.3 microns, at about 100% efficiency.

Hopefully this graph helps you visualize this!

What are VOCs? Why are VOCs harmful?

VOCs are Volatile Organic Compounds, or odors. They are super tiny chemicals that are lighter than air. They are easily released from their sources into the air around them. Importantly, “organic” refers to carbon-based chemicals, not what you might normally think of (natural or organically grown foods, for example).

They are gasses, and many have harmful properties— formaldehyde is the most dangerous example (it is a carcinogen) and is found in the home in glues holding furniture together, new carpet or vinyl flooring, sealants, stains, and finishes on wood furniture or flooring, engineered wood and particleboard, paints, area rugs with synthetic backing and glues, and cleaning products. Formaldehyde and benzene are VOCs released from daily indoor products and are both known carcinogens. There are thousands of other VOCs which contribute to asthma, allergy, frequent headaches, and lung issues.

The “new house smell” is simply VOCs off-gassing into the air. Interestingly, you can’t always smell them, because your nose gets used to certain scents, or can’t detect them at low levels.

Can an air purifier help with allergies?

Yes, an air purifier can help with allergies in three ways. First, it can trap large particles like pollen and pet hair on its pre-filter. Second, an air purifier with a HEPA filter is great at capturing smaller particles like mold spores, dust mite debris, and even cooking or wildfire smoke particles that can irritate the lungs, nose, and throat. Finally, an air purifier with activated carbon or minerals can remove irritating VOCs from the air, which also contribute to allergy.

Can an air purifier help with mold?

Yes, an air purifier can help with mold in three main ways. First, it can capture mold spores that are floating freely in the air, reducing the chances they will land and overgrow on a humid or damp area. Second, if you’re allergic to the mold, it can reduce your exposure as it captures these spores. And third, an air purifier with activated carbon or minerals can adsorb mold-associated VOCs and odors from the air, making it smell less musty during recovery from a mold problem. Removing the source of mold is also very important; having a mold inspection and remediation done, or using a dehumidifier to prevent excess dampness are good ideas in conjunction with using an air purifier for mold.

Can an air purifier help with odors?

Yes, if it has activated charcoal, zeolite, or another gas adsorbent! Gasses are not particles, and therefore cannot be captured meaningfully by a HEPA filter. An adsorbent is used instead. Adsorption is a chemistry-based process that works when a gas clings to the surface of the adsorbent, where it stays trapped. Activated charcoal is very good at capturing a wide range of odors (also called VOCs) from the air.

A simple carbon cloth will not capture much, but if a pound or more of activated carbon is added, that increases the ability to adsorb odors. Sometimes, mineral mixtures are added to activated charcoal to increase the types of VOCs that can be adsorbed from the air. Potassium iodide, potassium permanganate, and zeolite are three different mixtures that are commonly added because each has a different pore size that can adsorb different chemicals better than charcoal alone. Zeolite is capable of adsorbing formaldehyde, which is important, because charcoal cannot do it on its own.

I also recommend removing VOCs from the source— purchasing low-VOC furniture and decor, and not using scented products (or choosing safer ones).

Are HEPA-style or 99% HEPA filters the same as regular HEPA filters?

No! The terms HEPA-style, HEPA-like, 99% HEPA, and others, are not real HEPA filters. These do not filter particles with the same efficiency as HEPA filters, and may not filter small particles at all. HEPASilent is the exception so far; it is a more loosely woven, charged filter made by BlueAir and importantly, third party testing and its CADR numbers back up its effectiveness.

Is HyperHEPA or UltraHEPA better than regular HEPA?

No, these are marketing tactics. If you look closely, these filters are just H12, H13, or H14 HEPA filters. They all remove particles 100 times smaller than 0.3 microns— that’s the definition of HEPA. Due to complicated physics, 0.3 microns is the hardest size of particle to capture. It’s actually easier to capture particles both larger and smaller than this. Some of the brands listed above make the claim their HEPA filters are better than others, but I’ve decided not to hold it against them because their machines work really well in third party testing to protect people from dangerous particles and gasses. Big of me, I know! ;)

What is an ULPA filter?

ULPA filters are Ultra Low Penetration Air filters. They can actually capture even more particles than HEPA, but, they do not work as well as HEPA filters, because they are so tight, that air has such a hard time getting through them. They have a very low CADR (clean air delivery rate). They may sound better, but they are not recommended, because they clean very small amounts of air.

What is a PECO air purifier?

PECO stands for PhotoElectroChemical Oxidation. It oxidizes micro-organisms, effectively killing them. This technology has been around for decades, but in 2016, was added to the Molekule air purifier. Unfortunately, it was found in multiple tests unable to filter out harmful particulate matter like PM 2.5 or other gasses nearly as effectively as regular HEPA filters can. The Molekule company was forced to retract these claims. While it is an interesting technology, with potential future applications, it remains just not as effective as regular HEPA filtration. The Molekule filter now has a HEPA filter and a PECO filter. This is a major and well-publicized version of healthwashing.

What do CADR and CFM mean?

CADR = Clean Air Delivery Rate. CFM = Cubic Feet per Minute. These are two metrics commonly used to measure how effective an air purifier is.

The CFM is how much of a room’s air volume is filtered each minute. A general rule of thumb is to look for at least 100 CFM for every 250 square feet of space.

The CADR is the CFM multiplied by the efficiency of the filter. It only applies to particulate matter (it does not measure how well VOCs or microbes are filtered). The CADR is a fine measurement if the purifier has a true HEPA filter. It is not useful for a purifier with a very high CFM but a non-HEPA filter: this would mean that air moves through rapidly, but doesn’t actually get clean. A good rule of thumb: choose a HEPA air purifier with a CADR 2/3 of your room’s area. A 20 x15 square foot room has an area of 300. So, a CADR of 200 minimum would be ideal.

These are important measures to consider, and typically play in to how well an air purifier does in testing. But, it’s not the whole picture: the HEPA filter density matters, too. This is why I rely on real-world testing rather than exclusively on these numbers.

What is UVGI?

UVGI stands for Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation. This technology does have the ability to kill microbes, however, in most home air purifiers, the air flows by it too quickly, leaving inadequate contact time for it to be effective. UVGI also does not address the main issues in most homes, which are particulate matter and VOCs, rather than microbes.

What are air purifiers with ionizing technology?

Ionization is a very popular technology add-on for air purifiers. If they are strong enough, they emit ions, which stick to particles in the air, and cause them to become “heavier” and stick to items in the room. Sure, the air is cleaner temporarily, but now the particulate matter is settled on your stuff. Worse, if an ionizer is strong enough to do this effectively, it is also generating ozone, which is toxic to your lungs and causes inflammation.

Why are air purifiers with ozone generation unsafe?

Ozone, O3, is the free radical version of oxygen. It is highly reactive with particles in the air, and also highly reactive with cells in your body. Breathing in ozone can cause lung inflammation and respiratory issues.

What decibel level is reasonable for air purifiers?

Air purifiers are meant to be run 24/7 on their low setting, unless during times of high air pollution (wildfire, burning food indoors, or acute off-gassing from new furniture, for example.) I consider anything under 50 decibels (dB) to be quiet enough for bedroom use. For reference, 50dB is about the sound you’d hear in a quiet office, or coming from a quiet refrigerator. It is generally considered a reasonable and safely quiet level for sleep.

When sound is unwanted, and affects the health and well-being of people or other living creatures, it meets the definition of noise pollution. The EPA confirms that it’s not just an annoyance, but is as important to your health as other types of pollution are, like air or water pollution. Excess noise, especially at night, can actually contribute to heart attack, and have negative impacts on cardiovascular health, including high blood pressure.

Do air purifiers remove radon?

No! A VOC adsorber might capture a very tiny bit of radon, but the only way to truly deal with radon is to test for it, then have it mitigated by a professional company. They usually install a radon release tube. Radon is very dangerous and is the second leading cause of lung cancer, so this is a life-saving point!

Do I still need to dust with an air purifier?

Yes, but less often. Air purifiers are very efficient at capturing airborne dust, but are not strong enough to lift dust that settles on surfaces in your room off into the air.

What are the best air purifying plants?

680 of any plant you like! The 1989 NASA study that’s often referenced as proof that plants can purify the air is wildly overstated. While it’s true that plants can remove some VOCs and carbon dioxide, this study only applies to a small, sealed, space station style environment. In a regular house, you would need about 680 plants to replicate those results. See my short video about it here.

Do probiotic air purifiers work?

Maybe on a minuscule level. While I love the idea of probiotics incorporated into homes, this is not an effective way to remove fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) or VOCs, which can have serious consequences for cardiovascular, lung, and cognitive health, from your air. Until I see a third party validated measurement of meaningful PM 2.5 reduction by these machines, I consider these a form of healthwashing.

Do moss-based air purifiers work?

Maybe on a minuscule level. Until I see a third party validated measurement of meaningful PM 2.5 reduction by moss, I consider these a form of healthwashing. They may be pretty and certainly aren’t doing harm, but aren’t protecting you, either. In a regular house, you would need about 680 plants to meaningfully reduce air pollution. See my short video about it here.

Do water-based air purifiers work?

Maybe on a minuscule level. Until I see a third party validated measurement of meaningful PM 2.5 reduction by water, I consider these a form of healthwashing.

Why is it hard to find a good air purifier?

Air Purifiers are high tech, expensive, increasingly important for people to have, and work on an invisible level. Unfortunately, this creates a perfect storm for healthwashing, and the number of air purifier companies making false claims to trick customers into thinking they’re buying a superior product has been well-documented as a problem.

Are there any 3rd party certifications for air purifiers?

Very few. And, the ones that exist are voluntary. Air purifiers are a very inconsistent and unregulated industry, especially for portable in-home air purifiers that the majority of people need.

CARB (the California Air Resources Board) and UL (Underwriters Laboratories) are third parties that verify that air purifiers don’t generate ozone.

AHAM (Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers) has standardized the clean air delivery rate (CADR) but it only applies to how well a purifier can clean air with dust, pollen or tobacco smoke (not VOCs, viruses, or other contaminants).

HEPA is not a 3rd party certification, but legally, a company can only say their filter is a HEPA filter if that is indeed true.

Can I depend on 5-star reviews to find a good air purifier?

Ratings that rely on 5-star customer reviews, or blogs that aggregate customer reviews, are uniquely unreliable for air purifiers because the placebo effect comes in to play — buying something expensive certainly has the power to make you feel like your air is cleaner (even when it isn’t). For example, the $800+ Molekule had great reviews before it was discovered to be one of the least effective air purifiers on the market— likely because it was aesthetically pleasing and had great marketing. They have since been forced to retract their claims and have added a regular HEPA filter to their machines. 5 star reviews are not based on particles, science, or effectiveness. Instead, they’re based on experience, which isn’t super reliable in this area.

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