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Resources for Home Safety

Asbestos Guide

If your house was built before the 1980s, its worth checking out this asbestos guide to make sure you’re not being exposed to it. Asbestos causes the cancer Mesothelioma. This is especially important to check before doing any kind of remodeling.

Radon Guide

Everyone should check their home for radon, every 2 years, or with a continuous monitor. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. The American Lung Association has lots of information including free test kits for some residents in some states.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Learn more about how to protect your home and the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning here. The American Lung Association recommends a UL-listed detector.

Lead Guide

Learn about how to determine if there is lead in your home’s paint or water supply, and what to do about it, here.

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