Why you might want to use glass instead of plastic in the kitchen

Plastic Tupperware is like hair ties, or pens. You are either like, "I have none," or "I have 19." ⁠⁠
I've been trying to store all of my food in glass for years, but plastic keeps sneaking in! Lately, it's been pandemic take-out containers we feel guilty not re-using. Over the weekend we ordered more glass storage containers and I found myself recycling about 8 plastic ones. See? Sneaky!!! ⁠⁠
We take inventory now and then because avoiding plastic food storage is a really good way to decrease the amount of endocrine-disrupting chemicals we ingest. It's impossible to avoid entirely-- (I am not going to give up take-out curry!)-- but absolutely worth doing when you can. ⁠So here is your reminder if it’s been awhile. ⁠
Plus, glass food storage constitutes the perfect design trifecta: useful, beautiful, AND healthy! ⁠⁠


Cancer prevention


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