Non-toxic paint for impatient people

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Video script:

Recently, I had the strong urge to paint my doors a new color — and this always comes on for me with the same intensity as the sudden urge I get to cut my bangs. I want it to happen IMMEDIATELY.

So I drove to Home Depot in a creative rage instead of ordering one of the really beautiful, totally non-toxic paints I have listed on my own website.

I found a really pretty color and got a small GreenGuard GOLD can of it — meaning it had low VOCs— which is a good place to start, but normally I want healthier— there are so many gross chemicals in paint that don’t off gas, like PFAS and APEs. But, don’t worry — I had a plan! 

I painted the front door and as I suspected, after 2 coats, my excitement had passed. I still finished the third coat and loved how it looked, so I ordered a much healthier, color matched version from ECOS for the rest of the doors in the house. 

It arrived a few days later and now all the doors match, and only one is less healthy than the rest. 

I don’t think we have to be perfect, or even consistent, when it comes to creating healthier homes. I just think it’s important we have the information we need to make the decisions that work for us. 

PFAS: per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances, AKA “forever chemicals,” associated with thyroid cancer, obesity, immune dysfunction, fertility issues 

➜ APEs: alkylphenol ethoxylates. These blend pigments together but are endocrine disruptors (meaning, they mess with hormones) 

➜ Color: Glidden’s Charcoal Smoke 

➜ ECOS Paints, along with all of the healthy paint options I like, here.


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