My Elegance and White Couch

My couch is Medley’s Mota in latex and wool, here.

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Video Script:

My elegance is unparalleled. When I’m not walking upon the seashore in crisp linens, you’ll probably find me sipping organic white wine on my organic white couch. In fact, I have never spilled coffee, red wine, or smudged dark chocolate into my couch upholstery. Nor have I ever yelled AHHHH SHIT or had to clean up any such mess. In the case that ever were to happen though, here’s what I would — theoretically — do. First, I’d spray hydrogen peroxide on the spot. Then, I’d mix up a little cleaning recipe with unscented soap and use my mini carpet cleaner on it. Finally, I’d lay it out on the picnic blanket I stole from my parent’s house when I was 20 on the back deck, and let the UV rays finish off the stain. Theoretically, of course. 

I love my organic white couch and it is elegant and precious, but I’m not too precious about it, if you know what I mean. 


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