Melamine dishes and kidney stones

…and of course, there was melamine in everyone’s urine. So first, great job to our kidneys for filtering chemicals and sending them out through our urine!

But secondly, melamine is not great for our kidneys. Even low levels of melamine in the urine are associated with an increased risk of kidney stones and kidney disease.

When melamine passes through our urinary system, it causes inflammation and cell death along the way. These kidney stones actually have dead cell debris and melamine in them!

Hot, acidic foods cause more melamine to leach from the dishes to the food. So, consider using glass or ceramic bowls instead.

And, if you have a very cute melamine tray that you don’t want to part with (like I do!) just use it for cold foods, or non-ingestible items.

And last, thank your kidneys for all the hard work they do keeping you safe!


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