How to make your hotel room a little healthier

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Video script:

You can probably tell that I’m suuuper chill about staying in hotels and AirBnBs. I don’t dread arriving to sheets that smell like Tide, or little lights that keep the room lit up all night, or polyester pillows. I’m very unbothered and casual about it all. 

JUST KIDDING IM NOT. Here’s what I do about it:

I took a quick trip to the wild wild West last week — and to make my hotel stay a little healthier and more comfortable, I brought along 

The pillow and air purifier are so cute and tiny, here is a quarter for you, for scale.

If I’m heading on a longer trip, or to an AirBnB where smelly laundry detergents are more likely, I’ll bring my cotton travel sheet, too. 

Anyway, the hotel was old school — dark, quiet, and smell-free. I had a great time and a healthy sleep. 


What I’m Serious About


Watch how quickly my air pollution rises