How to make your candles and incense less toxic

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Healthier candles, incense, essential oils, and fragrant plants here. Plus, how to minimize the effects of unhealthy versions.

Video Script:

The Non-Toxic Police knocked on my door last week. Turns out you can see from the street that I have regular candles in my house which is a MAJOR CRIME in the Health World. Hiding them would be illegal, so instead, I showed the officer my website— and as you can tell, he LOVED it!! It was so informative, I didn’t have to go to Wellness Jail. While it’s very true that most candles release endocrine disruptors, and that standard incense releases more toxins than a cigarette, there are a lot of shades of grey here, and there are a lot of ways you can live with scent and ambience in a healthier way. 

So, see my Scent page for my super-thorough rating system for home fragrance, less toxic options for candles, incense and essential oils— and if you just can’t live without your Yankee Candle, some methods to minimize any harm. 


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