Why I Started Interior Medicine

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Video script:

Hi! It’s me, Meg.

I started Interior Medicine when I was working in cancer research by day, and taking interior design classes for fun by night. Every day I’d see patients going through chemotherapy and radiation, and while researching new treatments is so important, I was always frustrated that more attention wasn’t paid to prevention and finding the root cause of cancer.

While picking out furnishings for my interior design class one evening, I was shocked and annoyed to see how many carcinogens are still used in furniture today—  from formaldehyde in fake wood, to flame retardants in mattresses, to PFAS on couch upholstery.

I decided that the best way I could help prevent cancer and other disease was by helping people reduce carcinogens and other exposures in their homes. So here, and on my website, you’ll find healthier furniture, non-toxic decor, and tools for better air, light, and water quality.

Finally, even though some of this information can be scary, I’m dedicated to making this an optimistic, hopeful, and fun space. You can read my whole story here. Hope you’ll join me! 


My Background and Credentials


Healthy mattresses, ranked