Blackout Curtains That Don’t Off-Gas

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Blackout curtains and blinds I recommend here, as well as linen sheets and bed frames.

Video Script:

The best way to force your values on someone is to entrap them in your home so they have to agree with you! My friend Kaitlin is coming to visit next week and she’s staying in our guest room, so I’ll be insisting that she lives a perfectly non toxic life while she’s here. My house, my rules. 

For real though, her upcoming visit has been the perfect excuse to finally make our guest room healthier, more comfortable, aaand slightly more attractive than this 😬. I got an organic latex mattress topper and pillows, linen sheets, and the piece de resistance — blackout blinds! 

Light coming in from outside during sleep messes with your circadian rhythm, but most blackout material is made of PVC. Which off-gasses pretty strongly and is bad for you and the earth in many ways. So on my website, I’ve rated healthier options for you, including certified organic blackout curtains, natural wood blinds, OEKO Tex linen drapes, no-install suction cup varieties, and non toxic blackout fabric to make your own if you’re a DIY person. 

So all my friend really has to do is get a good nights sleep. And of course I will also be enforcing 60 minute long coconut oil pulls every evening. 


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