Air quality and autoimmune disease

Air quality and autoimmune disease have a strong link because the lungs can act as an initiation site for autoimmunity. ⁠

When we breathe in pollutants, they can bind to receptors in our lungs that regulate the immune system (Treg and Th17). Cities with high outdoor air pollution have a higher incidence of autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes. ⁠

But in most places, indoor air quality tends to be much worse than outdoor -- because we cook, use candles, hair products, have furniture with foam made with chemicals, etcetera, and aren't bringing in any fresh air.⁠

If your weather app shows the outdoor air quality is safe, it's absolutely worth opening your windows and turning your fan on!⁠

Photo by me, of Casa Jirafa.


Area rugs, carpeting, and vaccines


Another reason to open your windows